Portia Hoover is a dynamic, high-energy entrepreneur that stirs up the gifts in others while enabling them to produce cash flow by using their own creativity. With Portia’s online presence, she has coached hundreds to become entrepreneurs & has guided thousands on ways to make money from home. She continues to create opportunities that’s designed for everyone to win.
Who is Portia Hoover?
I’m a woman of great faith, a child of God, a lane creator, leap jumper, entrepreneur, mover &shcker. I know we don’t have all day, so let’s just start there to say the least.
Portia, please tell us more about your entrepreneurial journey?
Wow, my journey has been a faith walk, I always say this. I did not know that eight years ago God was going to direct and bless me in this way as an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy, it takes, faith, work & consistency to do this. I also work with people, a lot of people so it also takes patience. My journey, isn’t just about about me! I’m out here, learning and creating so that I can help others too! It feels amazing being about to give others an opportunity to provide for their family! As an entrepreneur, I’m constantly finding new ways to learn and grow! I have grown so much & this year God has just been giving me the business! I’m traveling and speaking to others, doing workshops, & collaborating with some other powerful women in business. I have a lot going in right now and I’m just excited about everything God has in store for me.
Portia, why are you so passionate about helping others succeed by creating new opportunities for themselves and their businesses?
I feel like I tell this story all the time, but ita a true one. The reason behind my passion, I grew up poor in a single parent home, my mother got sick and my father left, so that caused myself and siblings to struggle. I wish someone would have came along with opportunities that could have helped put food on the table. I focuses on helping others create opportunities, so they don’t have to struggle, especially if they have kids. That’s my soft spot, kids! I understand the struggle & I thank God that I do because this helps me to be a better servant, I am a vessel in all of this, and I give God all the honor and glory for it all.
Portia, please tell us more about the community you are building?
I like to call it ” wealth community” I have plenty of opportunities that can produce income for all walks of life, however, I’m building a community of entrepreneurs and lane creator. Women & Men can take their gifts, talents & creativity and turn it into coins. A community were no one has wait to be invited to the table to eat, because we building our own.
Portia, do you have any upcoming events or projects you care to share?
I have some secret projects I’m working on, I can’t wait to share with everyone. I have completed my tax class so I will be opening up my tax office next year, I’m excited about this because I’m able to give more jobs to people in my community.
Portia, what is next for your brand?
God has been aligning me with some great people, so I can’t box it in, because you think one thing and God has something else in store, I can tell you this tho my brand is traveling, inspiring, reaching back to pull others & I will continue to strive to be the best version of myself for my brand.
Connect with me on my Facebook pages @PortiaHoover & @Boss Of Vision
Instagram @Portia _ Hoover
Website. Www.portiahoover.com